Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trip to Palm Beach

This weekend by boyfriend is taking me to Palm Beach, woo hoo! After a stressful semester, this is exactly what I need. The bad thing about this is I have gained fifteen pounds since I started school, and I am not looking foward to wearing a bathing suit. I am going to try to forget my rolls and have fun though. At Palm Beach, it's like a miniture beach. It has the white sand, water slides, and a camping area. I've never beed big on camping, but I think I might like it once I try it again. It's been a long time since I went camping and I was to young to do anything fun. This time we can take a little alcohol and have a good old time. He's going to take his grill, and we're going to spend some quality time without the son this weekend, thank god. Don't get me wrong I love his son, but damn his mama never wants him on weekends. I mean I don't understand why he pays child support and he keeps him EVERY weekend. I guess that's the problems you face in getting involved with someone who already has a child. I love children don't get me wrong, but I hate mothers who have children they don't want and don't take care of. In my opinion, that's why they make abortion clinics. Ooops, I kind of got off track about my trip this weekend, I was venting. Can't you tell this trip is well needed.

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