Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another Title for A Rose for Emily

If I had to assign this story another title I would call it A Consequence of Loneliness. The reason I would call it this is because after Emily loses her dad, her life falls apart. Having always been well off money wise and a respected citizen of the community, she doesn't quite know how to act when she loses her dad. He leaves her with only the house, and nothing else. The money she was once used to isn't available anymore, and the only person she has is Tobe. Then she meets Homer. Everyone in town feels sorry for Emily and knows she has went crazy, but Homer still gives her a chance, not knowing what he is in for. She goes to the pharmacy and asks for poison, in which the pharmacy hesitates before sending it to her. Everyone assumes she is going to kill herself, but instead she poisons Homer and leaves him in her bed for years until she dies.
The reason I would have named the story A Consequence of Loneliness is because Emily goes crazy and kills Homer as a result of her loneliness I think. No one can say for sure why she did what she did, but I think she was scared of losing someone else she loved, therefore she decided to keep him there with her always by poisoning him and sleeping with his dead body every night.

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