Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Which do you think has a greater effect on a person -- heredity or environment? Explain.

Heredity and environment both have an effect on a person, however I believe that the environment has a greater effect on a person.
While heredity can greatly affect humans, I think the environmental surrounding really affects them a lot more. In my opinion for instance, the environment you bring your child up in is a big part of their life. If one has always had a loving family and stable environment, they are more likely to grow up on the right path. Of course, there are always situations that don't end up like that, and in that case it's nothing the parent did wrong.
However, if a child grows up in a home full of fighting, drugs, and instability, the child is either more likely to follow that pattern, or hopefully smart enough to see they don't want to live the same lifestyle, either way the environment has a great impact on them. In many cases, children blame their lifestyle on their parents, saying that their parents did it so they did to. I think this is a lame excuse, but unfortunately there's a lot of this kind in the world. Many people go through a lot as a child and learn from their parents mistakes, such as myself. I had loving parents, but one had a drug problem, while the other was an alcoholic. This combination didn't mix together well and they were divorced by the time I was five. My mother eventually overcame her addiction, but my daddy remained an alcoholic until the day he died of hepatitis C. He was actually getting treatments, but he was burned badly and because his immune system was so weak he couldn't fight what most people normally could. While many people would use this as an excuse to choose the wrong path, it encouraged me to stay on the right one.
The environment has a greater effect on a person in my opinion, but many people lean on their environment way to often as an excuse. I think people should use bad environments to persuade them to do better than what they were brought up in, and want more for themselves and their families.

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