Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Should children be disciplined by physical punishment? Discuss.

The word abuse has been greatly misinterpreted this day in time. In my opinion, there is a big difference between a spanking and abuse. It seems like now if one spanks their child for doing wrong and the wrong person sees it, defacs is involved the next day. I think children should be spanked if they are doing wrong. Notice I said spanked, not beaten, therefore I do believe children should be disciplined by physical punishment when it is necessary.
The world today is in the shape it is in because of the way people are raising their children. Parents let their children basically do what they want. One can tell a child no a hundred times, but if they don't understand no, I think other precautions need to be taken. Children these days are growing up way to fast, and the problem seems to be getting worse. If the parent establishes good communication between their children, then I think the world would be a better place. There are certain situations in which a child needs to be whooped if time out and other approaches aren't working. Parents can't even whoop their own child anymore for other people being in their business. A good parent knows whats best for his/her own child; therefore, I think it should be up to the parent how they punish their child.
Unfortunately, their are parents who shouldn't be allowed to have children. One can normally tell a good parent from a bad one. Many don't have the parenting skills it takes to be a mother or father. While spanking a child is sometimes needed, many parents confuse spanking with beating.
I do not believe a mother ought to hit her child in the face. If the child is a toddler, I think a simple hand popping gets the point across. If the child is a teenager, I think a firm belt spanking does the trick, and if that don't work YDC has proven to be pretty effective. Some parents don't have instincts though. In my opinion, many just don't care enough about the child's future to correct it while there's still a chance so they just let them do what they want. On the other hand, you've got the parents who leave their children in the car all night and claim they forgot them. These are the parents who need defacs involved. They are the type who beats their kids.
Different parents have different techniques in parenting. I think alot of the world's problems come from spoiled children and children who haven't been brought up being taught right from wrong. I think their are certain circumstances in which a child needs a spanking, but never should a child be beaten.

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